Behind the Blog: 
I created Ponderplex to explore the question: How can technology—and the people who create it—make the world a better place? I wrote stories highlighting innovations in accessibility, inclusive design, sustainability and mental health.
screenshot of Ponderplex blog page
An overview of the Ponderplex Blog home screen, including an article titled 'Zoomer to Boomer: Greatest Communication Innovations' and a welcome message in the sidebar
Mood Board
Moodboard with Ponderplex logo, color palettes, 4 photographs
Mood Board: A collage of images and illustrations, including Ponderplex logo, color scheme, Instagram story highlight screens, mountain scenes in fall and winter, planets and my favorite quote from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life."
evolution of Ponderplex logo including 5 hand drawn versions
Evolution of the Logo: A series of 5 Ponderplex logos from concept to almost-finished. I was inspired by outer space, which fascinates me, and the outdoors, the place I feel most at home. The final version is in the website header.
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